Needle – Mirror of packages from the Unity Technologies Package Manager (UPM)
Needle – Mirror of packages from the Unity Technologies Package Manager (UPM)
Readme and Website for Needle Mirror. Open an issue here for feature requests or issues
[Mirrored from UPM, not affiliated with Unity Technologies.] 📦 The Addressable Asset System allows the developer to ask for an asset via its address. Once an asset (e.g. a prefab) is marked "addressa...
[Mirrored from UPM, not affiliated with Unity Technologies.] 📦 Device Simulator is an alternative to the traditional Unity editor Game window. By simulating Screen and SystemInfo class behavior, Devi...
[Mirrored from UPM, not affiliated with Unity Technologies.] 📦 The Entities package provides a modern Entity Component System (ECS) implementation with a basic set of systems and components made for...
[Mirrored from UPM, not affiliated with Unity Technologies.] 📦 Kinematica is a next-generation character animation system.This technology provides a solution for character animation that does not rel...
[Mirrored from UPM, not affiliated with Unity Technologies.] 📦 Use the Live Capture package to connect to the Unity Virtual Camera and Unity Face Capture companion apps to capture and record camera m...