Johannes Zellner

Results 26 issues of Johannes Zellner

"make source" and "make build" have different startup behavior, although included the same way in the application code. The loader approach ("make source") won't result in synchronous loading of bungee.js...


Currently all script tags of type text/jump and text/jmp are compiled when the helper is used. Make this more flexible.

Currently a property is considered a delegate in case the right hand side expression starts with an upper case letter. This does not work well. Since those properties are not...


Hi I am not an icon designer as such but got annoyed by the misleading battery indicator. Just submitting this as a work in progress to maybe revive that issue....

### Version 16.5.0 ### Platform various linux distros tried ### Subsystem _No response_ ### What steps will reproduce the bug? On some IDNs a correct punycoded domain will break `url.domainToUnicode()`...


I am not exactly sure since which version, since it has moved to a rolling release cycle, but the TinyTinyRSS subscribe URL schema has changed slightly. I am testing this...

Not sure if taiga-front is the right repo to add this issue, but that was what I found in the main taiga project page. **Describe the bug** The issue is,...
