Results 41 issues of Neal Richardson

`arrow` 9.0.0, landing on CRAN next week (one hopes), will remove the long-deprecated `arrow::write_arrow()` function. We upgraded `sparklyr` not to use that long ago, but it is still referenced in...

If the expression you're benchmarking is sufficiently long, tibble's print method won't be able to fit it on screen, and it doesn't know how to ellipsize it like it would...

In September, [an "experimental" environment variable was added to the development version of R]( to make package checks fail when the `&&` or `||` operator was used inappropriately. [CRAN]( appears...


When installing versions of R older than 3.2 on macOS, the installer fails on a certificate error: ``` $ curl -fLo /tmp/R.pkg Installing OS X binary package for R...


The upcoming `roxygen2` 7.0 release adds new support for R6 classes, including generating doc entries for class methods. `pkgdown` is mistakenly interpreting these as any other code example and adding...

R6 :six:

See for example. The "inherited methods" sections link to other reference pages, the pages for the parent classes where you'd think those methods are documented. But they don't exist....

R6 :six:

In the `arrow` package, we have lots of R6 classes, so we're excited to see the new support for R6 in `roxygen2`. Because we have so many classes, in our...

R6 :six:

It seems only to make unordered comparisons at the top level. I would expect nested lists to get the same mapequal treatment. ``` r testthat::expect_mapequal( list( outer_1 = 1, outer_2...

expectation :scream_cat:
breaking change :skull_and_crossbones:

It makes it harder to debug a failing test because it's misleading. ``` > testthat::expect_warning("no warning", "something", = TRUE) Error: "no warning" did not throw the expected warning. Warning...

expectation :scream_cat:
help wanted :heart:

Perhaps an Rd macro, or some roxygen magic, to do some setup/teardown in `\dontshow` blocks. References: * *