Results 18 issues of Murat Hosver

Hi, I'm using cote on my native nodejs project which is working without any docker or kubernetes (just running it with pm2 on Ubuntu 18) It's working as normal in...

Hi I'm trying to use `allow_other` and `cache` parameter in the template like: `` afuse -o mount_template="sshfs -o allow_other -o cache=NO %r:/ %m" -o unmount_template="fusermount -u -z %m" mountpoint/ ``...

I have 2 different environments. 1 is Ubuntu 14.04 2 is Mac First i tried with ubuntu. Installed vudash create sample dashboard and it works. I changed default dashboard with...


Here's my achievement that's what I'm trying to make on API: Create an order for BTCUSDT from 53000 price with 0.005 quantity and set TP value as markprice=54000 when order...

### Linux Distribution Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Server edition) ### What happened Got this error when I tried to install moonraker: ``` ###### Installing python virtual environment... created virtual environment


Hi I'm trying to use Instagram plugin on IAB (i mean i'm trying to use it on a window that i opened with When i try to share on...


Hi, I'm trying to make a test with the sdk-php-2.0.0-ALPHA version. In sample code PaymentTransactions/credit-bank-account.php I just use this code and got the error that i wrote in the title....


Hi I would like to use your script like a terminal screen but want ti add texts after initialize is is possible to add more commands after initialize without user...

**Issue type:** [ ] question [x] bug report [ ] feature request [ ] documentation issue **Airgram version:** [x ] `latest` [ ] `@next` [ ] `2.3.x` (or put your...

I found this project while i was searching about scalability of RabbitMQ consumers based on que length. For instance, if there's a certain amount of message is waiting in que,...