
Results 50 issues of ndvb

That's what the readme says - is the problem in the Tensorflow Serving (by google), in the client here, or in the api code here?

Can you please write a few sentences in the readme about what's the difference between OpenCV VideoCapture to the RaspiCam? Why/when should we use it?

There are words like "isn" "aren" "wouldn" - smells like a bug?


I see that in the file words_alpha there are the (wrong) words: isnt arent wouldnt and that these (right) words are not included: isn't aren't wouldn't Is this intentional?


Hi! I saw the example of "Compose Body" that adds a button to the top menu. However, is there an example showing how to add a sidebar (or bottom bar)...

The paper is not clear to me. If I have an instruction seed written by human, what is the process to create a single new instruction from this single seed?...

Will it load the model or the Parsey neural net every time we do a query, or will it save the model in memory, so reduce the query time?

When trying to render as image (and not as text in console): ``` env = gym.make('gym_backgammon:backgammon-v0', disable_env_checker=True) mode = 'rgb_array' ``` I get: ``` arr = np.fromstring(image_data.data, dtype=np.uint8, sep='') AttributeError:...

Kindly make the list of Forks visible, thank you

I try to run the play_random_agent.py and get this error: `AssertionError: The environment must specify an action space. https://www.gymlibrary.dev/content/environment_creation/` Maybe we should just run it with: `env = gym.make('gym_backgammon:backgammon-v0', disable_env_checker=True)`