
Results 50 issues of ndvb

Any documentation for :define => {} parameter? Can't find it in the uglifyjs library

What script to run in order to compute the approx_bleu on a specific checkpoint? (Same thing that is done during training every X steps)

Serving locally using tensorflow_model_server works fine. I've put an exported model/version on Google Cloud ML Engine. The question is how do I set the query.py to use a remote server...

I saved a tensorflow keras sequential model, and then tried the keras_to_tensorflow and got: Unknown initializer: GlorotUniform

Or also for linux/ubuntu?

Is there some info about how to use the package, how to read ngrams from the data structure, etc?

I think that wordeep.com should be also added to the list, and maybe also eangle.me

I use Rails 4.2. I installed, and nothing changed in the cookie. I am setting the `Wordeep::Application.config.session_store :cache_store` in `session_store.rb` Do I need to change anything in this line for...

This sentence is detected as French, is 98 probabliity: `Celles qui n'encouragent guère, emprises de jalousie.` Chaning one char to underscore: `Celles qui n'encouragent gu_re, emprises de jalousie` Gives English...

Doesn't work. I changed to random dest_ip and got the same result (in python 2)