Nathalie Dubois
Nathalie Dubois
## Summary ## Current State ## Tasks - [x] #1724 - [x] #1725 - [ ] #1726 - [ ] #1727 - [ ] #1728 - [ ] #1583 ##...
## Summary Use the new source-control index developed in #1625 instead of the existing, custom, index in ``. Most of the API calls should now probably map to the source-control...
## Summary Provide the engine features that are missing for the development of a demo using a 3rd person view. ## Current State The demos we have currently built have...
## Summary ## Current State ## Tasks - [ ] Shaders - [ ] Materials - [ ] Meshes - [ ] Models - [ ] Textures ## DoD
## Summary Prepare a presentation for the procedural idea. The goal is to discuss feasibility and technical aspects. ## Current State ## Work Items
## Summary Objective is to understand the current user experience from Unity and Unreal for DCC Pipeline * Diagram of user journey for modeling, skeleton, skinning, animation and procedural *...