Hi @raghakot , I just want to try the the module on a model for [sentence classification](https://github.com/shagunsodhani/CNN-Sentence-Classifier). Actually, I would like to have plots as in [this paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.01066.pdf). Can you...
Hi, You have mentioned [here](https://github.com/stanfordnlp/GloVe/tree/master/src#package-contents) that padding would be useful for short documents. Have you done this for your [twitter word vectors](http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.twitter.27B.zip)? If yes, how did you do the padding?...
Hi @yoonkim, Thanks a lot for the code and useful comments. I have one questions about word embedding after training process in non-static mode. Is there a way to export...
Hi @williamleif, I really like that you have provided a reference for each of lexicon induction method. Can you let please let me know where you have adopted [dist function](https://github.com/williamleif/socialsent/blob/c9fed63e1db08d9eab34264af893d04064eca50c/socialsent/polarity_induction_methods.py#L15)...
Hi Jiwei, First of all thanks a lot for this great job. I am just wondering if it is possible to similar work in keras as well? I have the...