Nazanin Donyapour
Nazanin Donyapour
Hello, I am trying to run pdbfixer with these arguments `pdbfixer --pdbid=6fs0 --add-atoms=all --replace-nonstandard --add-residues --replace-nonstandard` but I ran into the error below. It seems that pdbfixer tries to add...
Hello, I'm utilizing `pdb2pqr` to add hydrogens to my structure with the following arguments. ``` pdb2pqr --ff='AMBER' --ffout='AMBER' --with-ph=7.0 --drop-water --pdb-output complex_h.pdb receptor_pdb4amber.pdb complex_h.pqr ``` However, I observed that in...
Hello, I'm trying to reproduce the pKa predictions for several structures in the [OnionNet_Core_2016]( test set, but the values I'm getting differ from those in the paper. Attached is a...
Hello, I recently installed `wepy` from pip. I had some issues when I tried to run my simulations so I updated `h5py` and `networkx`. I ran into "Type names and...