Dobrianskyi Nikita
Dobrianskyi Nikita
Also @a-mkljajic for you question in the PR description you can make use of `_warnUnstagedChanges` it already checks if when running `rush change` user has anything staged. I'd say if...
We faced the similar issue, when started using `workspace:^` specifiers instead of `workspace:*`. Rush started appending exact version ranges (numbers) after `rush publish`. So that in `package.json` `{ "@myorg/package-1:" "workspace:^"...
Another interesting question to me is **why** Rush is writing to disk those exact version numbers during `rush publish`? Because as a user I would expect my `package,json` dependencies to...
Proposed feature is really handy, I like it, but there are some open questions and to me, this flag seems to be not that simple. * As I understood, user...