Nicolas Dierckxsens
Nicolas Dierckxsens
Hi Thanks for the info, how do the reverse reads look like?
Ok thanks, will upload a new version soon. Will let you know, maybe conversion won't be necessary anymore
Hi, I developed it for human datasets, so it can sometimes have difficulties with other species, may I ask which species you are running? I can help you with this,...
Hi, About your last question, if the dataset has complex regions, like long SNR or duplications, seed selection can have an influence on the result. Although the assembled sequence should...
Hi, I resolved the ambiguous nucleotides in your assembly, so could you run the heteroplasmy analysis again but with this reference. i couldn't determine the majority allele for one position,...
Hi, I would ignore the 8690, it's an ambiguous nucleotide at the end of the assembly, so where the were only a few reads still paired-end connected to SNP 9270....
No that's not possible because it is too similar to the original one, but you know all the variance, if they all are 30%, it's highly likely that they belong...
Hi, it means the assembly did not circularise. But you should get a contigs file no? But I would recommend to use the latest version, you are using a very...
Hi, If it takes that long it could be a bug... Could you set extended log to 1 in the config to 1 and run it again. And send me...
After it gets to that length it got stuck because of a bug, so you can terminate the assembly, it will not finish. You can also terminate it after the...