**Summary** The 5.0 branch of oro/platform is installed with the **v7.4.4** of package `guzzlehttp/guzzle`. Or this version is affected by vulnerabilities CVE-2022-31090 and CVE-2022-31091. It is recommanded to upgrade to...
**Summary** The latest version of oro/platform is vulnerable to CVE-2023-46733 and CVE-2023-46734 vulnerabilities. Links: https://symfony.com/blog/cve-2023-46734-potential-xss-vulnerabilities-in-codeextension-filters https://symfony.com/blog/cve-2023-46733-possible-session-fixation These vulnerabilities has been fixed in v5.4.31 of packages symfony/security-http and symfony/twig-bridge. **Steps to...