Nguyễn Duy Cương
Nguyễn Duy Cương
Hi @Cartucho As report here [](url) Can we modify our tool to use VOC 2007 metric (Reject difficult objects)?
For more suitable model to deploy in FPGA hardware, i tried to training this model with no bias. But the model converged slowly (mAP~35% after 200k iter with GTX 1080)....
I just run a ssd's model by CHaiDNN and i got this error: > [EO001] Due to mismatch between layer group value and output dimension, Current version support layer group...
Is there anybody successfully build this code in window?
Hi @zhreshold I already train my mobilenetSSD network in Caffe with no bias. However, the convergence speed of network is too slow (mAP~35% after 3 days) I just try Mxnet...
is there a way to conv from theano's model to caffe?
Hi a Quốc, Tks anh đã public những gì đã đạt được trong repo. Đây là tài liệu rất quý giá cho những người đang thử nhận dạng chữ viết...