Nguyen Dang
Nguyen Dang
conjure asks for CPLEX_PATH when calling `conjure solve` although I already have cplex in my PATH. Interestingly when I reverted back to a previous commit `6c29fbde9 (2019-11-19 14:31:13 +0000)`, CPLEX_PATH...
Hi Oz, I'm using `conjure modelling -as` for our classical planning generators, and it seems to take very long time compared to the `-ac` option. I attach here two examples...
[]( When I run `conjure solve` for the attached model and Essence param file, I get the following error messages: ``` Error: Savile Row stdout: ERROR: Identifier not defined: instance...
I have the following model: ``` $ model.essence given s: sequence (size 5, surjective) of int(1..10) ``` and an Essence param file: ``` $ inst.param letting s be sequence(1,2,3,4,5) ```...
Hello, When I apply fanova on my data with and without specifying "--marginalize_over_instances", the list of the most important parameters are very different. I'm just wondering why it is the...