Nickolas Damofli
Nickolas Damofli
Hi there, Can i kindly ask you if there is an option to return to en empty field when the value is zero (always returns to 0.00)
Hi there, congrats on your amazing lib. I am looking to add a Watermark / Overlay on the preview and recorded videos. Could you point me in the direction to...
Is there a new version of TFLite for Unity? I am trying to implement the CocoSsdMobilenet example on Unity but I am getting errors: - The type or namespace name...
It's a beautiful interface and would enable developers to further customize the platform. Please share with the world
Do you plan to implement iAd Video ads? (prerolls not interstitial) I am trying to show a pre-roll video before my content without users having to interact with the ad...
Do you plan to implement Flurry Video ads? (not interstitial) I am trying to show a pre-roll video before my content without users having to interact with the ad (ex....