When `FileSchema.methods.write()` is called it makes a copy of the model instance to use certain properties from, including `_id`. However, the method to copy the model, `copyInstance()` from `mongoose-common`, will...
It seems that after taxii2 compatibility was added the docker entrypoint file was not updated to match the new configuration format.
When using multiple gunicorn workers (as is the default for the docker image) database connections start to fail: ``` 2023-04-20T09:33:42.807128989Z 2023-04-20 09:33:42,806 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine BEGIN (implicit) 2023-04-20T09:33:42.807481643Z {"event": "BEGIN (implicit)",...
The library does not seem to work inside a worker thread. When running the code below the result is not logged: ``` const { Worker, isMainThread } = require("worker_threads"); if...