Dear, in [] - setWaitForExternalSensorEnabled The parameter name `value` don't match with the call to : `self.i2c.writeBit(self.MPU6050_RA_I2C_MST_CTRL, self.MPU6050_WAIT_FOR_ES_BIT, enabled)`
Dear, in [] - setTempFIFOEnabled The number of parameters don't match with the prototype of `write8(reg, value)`; `???: self.i2c.write8(self.MPU6050_RA_FIFO_EN, self.MPU6050_TEMP_FIFO_EN_BIT, enabled)`
Dear, in [] - setDHPFMode typo on the parameter name "bandwidth" `def setDHPFMode(self, bandwidth):`
Dear, in [] - setFreefallDetectionDuration you are not writing the duration value : `self.i2c.write8(self.MPU6050_RA_FF_DUR, duration)`
Dear, in [] : readBytes you are missing to take in account "+ i" index when you read the regs : `output.append(self.readU8(reg + i))`