Niklas Casaril
Niklas Casaril
We were looking into tests involving semaphores, callouts and timers where addresses are allocated to units and expire after a certain number of seconds. Setting up tests for this works...
There's a ```return true;``` missing at the end of this if-statement:
This has been moved from Decawave/uwb-core-archive - [x] lib/uwb_rng - only testing json-encoding and decoding for now - [ ] lib/panmaster, handling of callbacks from lib/pan - [ ] lib/tofdb,...
Currently a semaphore in the bsp is used top avoid collisions on the spi bus used for the dwX000 and hal_spi_XX calls used to access the bus. - What needs...
Go through bsps and code that is affected by the new mynewt release. - BSP up to speed with how the latest way of writing them in 1.8, they may...
in hw/drivers/uwb we want a mock/sim driver that implements the uwb api and allows the testing of packages making use of it. suggested package name: hw/drivers/uwb/uwb_sim Suitable package to use...
Today there's nothing in the --help output informing about the ```config save``` command. This would be a very handy place to find it :)