Nicolas Carlier

Results 52 comments of Nicolas Carlier

Hi, embedded configuration file is quite basic and don't set user/password. Your best option is to create your own [redsocks.tmpl]( file and mount it: ```bash docker run --privileged=true --net=host \...

Mmmm I don't think so as this Docker image was built for standalone Docker use to use a global proxy for all containers running on the host. modify the host's...

Yes. You're absolutely right. I will fix that. Thanks.

no, it doesn't. But I think it's possible to do by replacing "hdr(Host)" by "hdr_end(Host)" here: If you do so, you will be able to set DOMAIN_NAME to ""...

Hi, it's a great work! I will add your alternative installation method to the README. Regarding plugins, Golang cross compilation is not friendly with plugins. I have some trouble with...

Output and Filter's configuration are stored inside the DB (Bolt). The configuration is managed by the API or the UI.

Good point. I will a this in a next release. In the meantime, you can group your feeds with a tag, then add a "title" filter to the output and...

Hello, according to the network console, the API call seems to be made before obtaining the access token. Can you trace the API HTTP call to ensure that the request...

Hello, indeed, Compose files are designed to be used by Docker Compose. And Docker Swarm has some differences. Can you share (in a gist or something similar) your stack? To...

Hi, this plugin is not interactive. It decodes and validates the access token. You will need an OIDC proxy or custom pages to manage the entire OIDC flow (redirection, code,...