We should the way `Device::Desc` handle feature-level. Set `majorVersion` to -1 by default, which means create the highest feature-level possible. @kyaoNV We should fix it and create a 3.1.1 version
@kyaoNV Was this fixed in Falcor 3.2?
Does your depth-buffer have a stencil channel? Falcor defaults to `D32Float` which has no stencil
If you want to use depth and stencil tests, you need a depth-stencil buffer.
Raytracing or raster?
`InstanceID()` won't help, since we group geometries together into a single instance and there's no way to get the geometryID in DXR. You can do something like: ``` RtProgramVars::SharedPtr pVars;...
From you :) This index should correlate to the order in which you created the texture. There's also `RtScene::getInstanceID()` which given the current mesh you are processing will return the...
single value per mesh
DXR tells you that. Do you know how local-root-signature works?
Where do you get `wsPos` and friends from? I assume that somewhere in your code you loop over all the meshes (you mentioned that you initialize a texture with a...