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Any example of stencil and depth test ?
I am try to render an object that have 2 passes,but involve different depth test ,and simply create a new DepthStencilState set with different Desc DepthStencilState::Desc::setDepthFunc(DepthStencilState::Func::Greater); is not working at all,and as well the stencil test op, Is DepthPass class is what I exactly looking for?
Does your depth-buffer have a stencil channel? Falcor defaults to D32Float
which has no stencil
My idea don't involve depth-buffer or stencil yet,but simply render an object behind anther one in grey is unable. and i ve try almost all permutation.all those things may need a handy example.
If you want to use depth and stencil tests, you need a depth-stencil buffer.