Nick Bastin
Nick Bastin
It seems likely that the problem here is that the `` script adds an `https://` package repository to `sources.list.d`, which causes `apt-get update` to fail in many proxied environments but...
We have what seemed like the basic requirements -
This is not fixed - how did you test it? The behaviour is different, but still wrong (now we don't crash flowvisor, it just sends illegal Openflow control packets that...
You don't need any hosts at all to test this, nor do you need more than one datapath. We're just testing it with one switch and no hosts - just...
If you sent the _rest_ of the flow stats reply that was cut off, that would be completely illegal - you _must_ send fully formed openflow messages in the control...
Type 57 may be the vendor message NEC uses for big stats replies. I'm not 100% sure, as I haven't been recording their message types, but they use a lot...
Drop the packet. You don't know how to slice it, and you're promising to slice the control plane. There's nothing you can do except drop it and log it.
We've had this problem for a while - it seems to be when you don't have a bed set. My guess is it tries to respawn you at "spawn", in...