
Results 8 comments of nazar2sfive

yes , i cannot make it install on clear linux +1 for the flatpak support.

i failed to build megasync after 30 minutes of whatnot process in arch linux. frustrated.

``` android@clr:~ $ df -h --output=target Mounted on / /dev /dev/shm /run /sys/fs/cgroup /tmp /mnt/4416017316016770 /run/user/1000 android@clr:~ $ ```

![image]( **photo taken from some other website. not mine** i use gnome-disk-utility for the mount purpose . easy and simple. and it does that at /mnt by default

![image]( any future gui plan to keep a settings menu for configuring where to index for? ![image]( search everything with these option.

+1 for flatpak image please.

``` android@clr~ $ git clone Cloning into 'sysbench'... remote: Enumerating objects: 81, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (81/81), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (60/60), done. remote: Total 9942 (delta...

@ozeidan i wish i could push like so. i know nothing about that. just a non-techy guy.