Nazar Mokrynskyi

Results 216 issues of Nazar Mokrynskyi

I have a trait where I have to use `#[async_trait(?Send)]` because of some methods and data structures they return, but at the same time I want boxed future to be...

I'm wondering if you can start packaging alongside with the rest of Nginx packages currently present?

Sometimes font size might be used to change size of elements, would be nice to set height in `em` units based on current font size, so that if font size...

У меня есть подписки на разные хабы, но случается так, что туда регулярно пишут пользователи/компании, которые меня не интересуют. К примеру, когда вместо чего-то полезного из области криптовалют опять расписывают...

Why GFM plugin is so huge in size O_o?


I'm currently using Tile as primary layout. I'd like to switch to Plasma, but it lacks some major [options]( before I can to the switch: * [ ] `ratio` *...


If module have some dependencies and those are available for installation (all dependencies can be resolved reliably) - offer optional automated installation of that dependencies step by step, allowing user...


Things to be implemented: - auto-completion for `\cs\Language` and `\cs\Language\Prefix` instances based on available translation keys (separately for properties and for methods) - auto-completion for `\cs\Core` properties based on `main.json`...

help wanted

Docker image based on `nazarpc/php-cli` for using with `nazarpc/webserver`. Data and MariaDB containers should be linked on first start, container should be started in interactive mode. After running container will...


Scopes might be implemented as groups, but that will require ability to tweak user's groups in runtime. Probably, some trigger should be added into system to allow using regular permissions...
