Nay Tun Thein

Results 9 comments of Nay Tun Thein

@saadq, The reason feedback is not showing in the dashboard is because you need to give actual `event_id` of an error event in the Sentry, not user defined id. And...

@saadq, Thank you for the quick feedback and also for the tip. I'll try lastEventId() see I could get it working.

@saadq, I can successfully get eventID like this. ``` //=== Create feedback event in Sentry and get eventID Sentry.captureMessage("User Feedback... "); Sentry.setEventSentSuccessfully(event => { const eventID = Sentry.lastEventId(); }); ```...

You need to modified the source file `Drawer.js`, because PropTypes is no longer part of "React". And install `prop-types` (`$ npm i prop-types --save`). In `Drawer.js`, change: `import React, {...

If you put `cancelButtonIndex={??}` option will enable close on press on backdrop.

No, it is not working properly on iPad. 'Cancel' button is not showing up.

Use this fork:

I found the solution: ``` import { GestureHandlerRootView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler' ... return ( ... your component here ) ```

Usually the solution is: ``` import { GestureHandlerRootView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler' ... return ( ... your component here ) ```