Code by Navibyte

Results 4 issues of Code by Navibyte Now (at least some level of) support for: * Point, MultiPoint * LineString, MultiLineString * Polygon, MultiPolygon * GeometryCollection However NO support for these, and not yet even planned...

:earth_americas: geodata
🌐 geobase

*Plan updated 2024-04-16* Implementation for v.1.1.0 * Support decoding also EWKT data (ignoring an optional srid). * Utilities to decode a coordinate type and SRID from WKT text. * A...

:earth_americas: geodata
🌐 geobase

* Coordinate reference system (`CRS`) identifiers * Enhanced support for **most** common CRS values * CRS properties on geometries (should every class have or only collections?)

:earth_americas: geodata
🌐 geobase

OGC API Features client is implemented by `FeatureProviderOAPIF` class. Support for the OGC API Features standard, parts 1 + 2, is not yet complete. Complete support with some tests included....

:earth_americas: geodata