> Hi, I used yolov3 darknet to object detection in google colab "!git clone" ,i changed the number of classes for all yolo conv layers, and the filter, i...
I am trying to convert Labelme Json file to yolo format, but the bounding box is getting shifted, I will share my conversion code here. import os import json def...
@glenn-jocher Yes, I got it..! The error was in the center calculation
Pyrcc5.exe file is not seen along with pip.exe file in Python310\Scripts location. I tried to download PyQt many times. In both methods of downloading steps suggested for Windows (Anconda based...
> Did you install python from the web or from the microsoft store? > Try installing `pip install pyqt5-tools` > Check your path as in this video ``, there should...
> > > Did you install python from the web or from the microsoft store? > > > Try installing `pip install pyqt5-tools` > > > Check your path as...
Hello @glenn-jocher...! I have set the batch size to 16, IOU:0.2, and Conf_Thres: 0.25 for both scripts and the rest of the hyperparameters are the default. I hope the default...