
Results 6 issues of Naveen

Installed `pip install git+https://[email protected]/ping/[email protected]` in my windows 10 instagram-private-api is installed in my pip i confirmed it by typing `pip list` and i can see `instagram-private-api 1.6.0 instagram-private-api-extensions 0.3.8 `...

`pip install instapy-cli` `from instapy_cli import client` error messgae : ` from instapy_cli import client ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'instapy_cli'` os : windows 10 terminal : Git bash (pip) ,...

help wanted

``` builder : (context, widget) => ResponsiveWrapper.builder( // ? warp all the heights and widths according to screen automatically widget, defaultScale: true, breakpoints: [ ResponsiveBreakpoint.autoScale(420, name: MOBILE), // breakpoint is...

I have a `Uint8List` i want to create a `file`path . But i'm getting `Error: FormatException: Invalid UTF-8 byte (at offset 0)` ```dart Uint8List unit8List; uio.File createFileFromUint8List(Uint8List uint8list) => uio.File.fromRawPath(uint8list);...

I've been using GetX navigation for my web app. Previously, it was working fine, but for the past few days, I noticed that clicking the back arrow in my browser...

My tree expands for the first time, but when I move to another tab or page, it gets collapsed. I'm using GetX. I need my tree to remain expanded even...