Xiangxuan Liu

Results 8 issues of Xiangxuan Liu

**Describe the solution you'd like** Add support for adding attachments for SendEmail


1. Organization members should only be able to manage tokens created by themself, not all tokens in the organization. 2. We should delete all token created by the member who...


目前订阅文件中的 hosts 配置会被本地配置覆盖掉,有办法关闭这个行为吗?

The controller settings panel UI is messed up with Scale and Layout set to 200% on Window 10 Yuzu 429 Windows10 20H2 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9570112/98444000-18a9a680-214a-11eb-9e68-f945c803bfbd.png)


We should refine the logic for creating new sessions to align it more closely with the ChatGPT website behavior. Specifically, when users click on "New Chat," they will be directed...