The data in tensorbase is directly flush to disk, is the purpose of wal to ensure the atomicity of writing data? Is it possible to write a block to the... There seems to be nothing to do, you can remove the warning log.
> > > > > > There seems to be nothing to do, you can remove the warning log. > > here if we found a `kDelete` entry, we...
@zztaki comment here, i will assign you.
> But I find this Error in `oblogminer.log` from `oblogminer`'s result. use 4.2.x branch?
ok, from your log, there are some wrong configs when running `obcdc_tailf`. I will reproduce use `obcdc_tailf` later.
@zztaki i found obcdc_tailf is not set log file before this error log, so you can reproduce use oblogminer. the related code in `4.2.x` and `develop` is same. reproduce it...
> > > But I find this Error in `oblogminer.log` from `oblogminer`'s result. > > > > > > use 4.2.x branch? > > ```c++ > [2024-04-10 10:35:24.172449] WDIAG get...
It's ok, Thanks for your previous contributions! Go do what's more important to you! If interested in open source contributions, keep in touch. :)
Duplicate of #1782