
Results 87 comments of naught101

Maybe it would be good to have a short description below the wildcard box in the pop-up? Actually, I think the FAQ doesn't mention this. It only mentions how to...

``` :version VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Dec 9 2014 17:36:40) Included patches: 1-488 Modified by [email protected] Compiled by buildd@ Huge version with GTK2 GUI. Features...

All these are autoloaded with pathogen: ``` ls ~/.vim/bundle csapprox matchit taglist ultisnips vim-latex vim-surround csv.vim molokai tags vim-addon-mw-utils VimOrganizer vim-vinegar ctrlp.vim NrrwRgn tags-te vim-arduino-ino vim-pandoc-syntax VOoM desert2 pydoc.vim tlib_vim...

Also, if the sample light/preview button was at the top of the drum panel, next to the drum name, then you'd save a bit of vertical height per row (although...

@faraway1nspace: check Harry's comment at

Even better, obviously, would be a way of ranking links by their importance, but I'm not sure that Wikipedia's data structure allows that kind of analysis..