Ziran Gong

Results 9 comments of Ziran Gong

Usage: ``` # altdns -i subdomains.txt -o data_output -w words.txt -r -s results_output.txt ```

You can choose a model that can provide face recognition service. Then, You need to serialize the response data to the Django model. It will be displayed and control on...

This repo may give you some inspiration. https://github.com/nature1995/AI-Image-classifiers-on-Django-with-RESTAPI

I follow @edchepen method, it really solve the problem. Thx!

I need this feature. if Promtail can support kafka, I can replace the fluent-bit which send the log for analysis.

> SIEM loggie, https://github.com/loggie-io/loggie Fluent-bit, https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit

1 scheduler.go:90] scheduler completes Initialization and start to runI1104 11:24:37.075546 1 cache.go:1106] There are Jobs, Queues and Nodes in total for scheduling.I1104 11:24:37.075651 1 session.go:180] Open Session bfaace37-87cd-4971-963b-68512dc29ac4 with Job...

Do we have plans to add more sink types? @jeschkies