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Helper library for Spring Boot web applications

Results 12 spring-lemon issues
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Howdy, i installed the apk on my device with all possibile permissions and the device appears offline in the l3mon manager when i tried it on an emulator it worked,...

`AbstractUser` pretty much bars applications from using their own ID generator, as it extends `LemonEntity` > `AbstractPersistable`, with the latter defining the ID member and JPA annotations. It would be...

#45 Added docker-compose.yml file with one container for mongo database. I think we can add same files for other projects too, if they require some services. To start the container...

Running tests on `lemon-demo-reactive` requires mongodn to be running locally, and even then fails when run first time, If you run it second time, it passes. Looks like it requires...

https://github.com/naturalprogrammer/spring-lemon/blob/ca2e567e83fb822f30f5f7ca26bd61f4e222397e/spring-lemon-commons-reactive/src/main/java/com/naturalprogrammer/spring/lemon/commonsreactive/security/LemonReactiveAuditorAware.java#L29-L31 My suggestion to solve the lack of support in Spring Data: https://juliuskrah.com/blog/2018/02/15/auditing-with-spring-data-jpa/#comment-4848839807

Allow application developers to restrict the number of maximum login sessions for a user by using a property such as `lemon.security.max-sessions: 5`. A default, say 5, can be set. Coding...

help wanted

### naturalprogrammer/spring-lemon now has a Chat Room on Gitter @naturalprogrammer has just created a chat room. You can visit it here: [https://gitter.im/naturalprogrammer/spring-lemon](https://gitter.im/naturalprogrammer/spring-lemon?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&content=body_link). This pull-request adds this badge to your README.md:...