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Added docker-compose for testing environment

Open ilyastuit opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

#45 Added docker-compose.yml file with one container for mongo database. I think we can add same files for other projects too, if they require some services.

To start the container run in lemon-demo-reactive project folder: docker-compose up and you will be able to connect to mongodb via localhost:27017 or

docker and docker-compose should be installed on the computer to do so.

ilyastuit avatar Sep 06 '21 10:09 ilyastuit

Thanks! I'm not very much into docker thingy, but I can merge it if you're sure about it.

Actually, I had in mind the Embedded MongoDB. If that works, that may be faster?

So, let me know what you think. and then I'd merge it.

naturalprogrammer avatar Sep 07 '21 02:09 naturalprogrammer

Thanks! I'm not very much into docker thingy, but I can merge it if you're sure about it.

Actually, I had in mind the Embedded MongoDB. If that works, that may be faster?

So, let me know what you think. and then I'd merge it.

Looks interesting. I will try it too.

ilyastuit avatar Sep 07 '21 04:09 ilyastuit