Nathan Youngman
Nathan Youngman
Progress. This is Hugo's code to batch up notifications. Not sure when I'll get a chance to implement it, but I'd welcome a pull request. :wink:
Depending on readline is probably going to be an issue?
Look into liner, mentioned here:
And some info on AppVeyor, I have fsnotify setup already:
Not at the moment, but that sounds like a good addition. Would you always run with cover (if available) or just when you want to see test coverage?
@dahankzter Sounds like a good suggestion. I've added it to the [roadmap]( I don't currently have a good way to pass switches around, and I'm still trying to figure out...
@dahankzter Do you have any particular requirements for what this flag would do? Just run `make test`?
Recently support was added to detect Godep and automatically use the right command there. It's an interesting approach that is nice when it works, I'm not sure how far I...
Some combination of arbitrary exec and built in features could make for a good combo. I'll give it some more thought.
Not at the moment, no.