Hello, You can use Device Settings service to store your hard/soft iron config across power cycles. We are working on a new cross-platform interface program for our devices that we...
The GX5-25 uses the magnetometer as a heading reference and it is on by default. The device_setup parameter does perform a function: if true, the ROS driver settings will take...
No problem. 1. You may need to calibrate for changing environments. We recommend you calibrate where you plan to operate. Because the Earth's magnetic field is weak, building structure (and...
Hi, Autocalibration isn't designed to take out all of the effects of a badly calibrated magnetometer... only to fine-tune the calibration. I don't recommend that you rely entirely on the...
Sounds good... please enable binary data recording in the driver... we will need the binary file, not a bag file, to do our analysis. Thank you, Nathan
Hi Anton, Are you using a sensor2vehicle frame transformation? Is the CV7 attached to a robot or just the connectivity board? I assume, since you calibrated the unit, you have...
Hi Anton, Can you verify that the filter state is achieving a value of "3", or "AHRS"? Here is a reference for that: If it is not entering AHRS...
Hey Antonin, This is very odd behavior... can you take a couple more steps for me and we will get this fixed for you one way or another. 1. Export...
Hi Antonin, I think the best path forward would be to return the device to Alliantech via RMA and have them ship a new one. I cannot decipher if there...
I just pushed an update that should fix this for you. Please let me know if you are still having troubles.