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SNES GSS (Game Sound System)
SNES Game Sound System (or Solution)
v1.42 20.02.17 - Instrument selection in the main menu v1.41 25.05.14 - MIDI input device can be changed in the config file v1.4 24.05.14 - paste over; shifting markers and labels in multichannel Expand/Shrink; MIDI input support v1.31 03.04.14 - song duration estimate, displayed in the window header v1.3 02.04.14 - Output monitor and built-in tuner; minor fixes v1.23 01.04.14 - SPC700 driver fix to remove noise burst on initialize heard on the real HW and latest snes9x versions v1.22 30.03.14 - sections list for easier navigation v1.21 06.03.14 - volume scale dialog, minor fixes and improvements v1.2 26.12.14 - volume column added, Vxx effect removed; Mxy renamed to Vxy, old modules will be converted automatically; panning support; optional sample loop unrolling for better quality v1.11 24.12.14 - FamiTracker text import feature v1.1 07.09.14 - improvements to the order-less design v1.02 25.08.14 - minor fixes, SPC700 driver improvements v1.01 18.08.14 - important bug fixes, more features, transpose dialog v1.0 15.08.14 - first release version, with all planned features 22.07.14 - development of the new system has started ~06.11 - the old system, including spcbank, xm2data, and SPC700 code; the new system is based on its parts.
The sole purpose of this software is to make music and sound effects for SNES homebrew games. It is not meant to be a stand-alone music authoring software in any way.
The editor works in semi-interactive mode. This means that the result of any changes (even mute controls) will only be heard after restarting the song, you can't hear the changes immediately. It is supposed that during editing the song is mostly played using the Enter key (play from current position).
The system architecture uses a single sample bank for every song and sound effect in a game. The sound driver along with sample bank is fully loaded at start up. Sound effects created as shorter songs (marked as sound effect), they also loaded along with the driver. Larger songs are loaded on a one-by-one basis. It is kind of MIDI concept, music files only contain notes and commands, while sound bank contains the actual sounds used by the music files.
It is supposed that WAV samples are resampled and looped in an external audio editor, Wavosaur or similar. The samples should be 16 bit mono, sampled at 8000, 16000, or 32000 Hz (the latter is preferable), with melodic content preferably tuned to B (of any octave) +21 cent. In other words, change pitch of a C-tuned sample 79 cents down. The reason behind this is the BRR encoding that works with 16 sample blocks, with this tuning a simple waveform will be a multiple of 16, improving looping quality. Pitch table is calculated to map the B +21 sampled instrument to actual C note on the C key, producing the standard tuning. To play a sample close to its original sample rate, use B key.
The editor could be invoked as a command line application to perform project file to set of resulting files conversion. Use snesgss.exe filename.gsm -e [optional export path]
The MIDI import supports both format 0 and 1. It expects that notes are placed in channels 1-8 (or 1-6 plus drum channel), and there is no more than 1 note in a channel at a time. It imports notes only, with instrument assigned by the channel number. If the drum channel is present, it gets imported into SNES channels 7-8, channel 7 is used for hats, and channel 8 for kick, snare, and toms. Instrument numbers assigned to different drums are 10 for kick, 11 for snare, 12 for toms, 13 for hats.
F1 Song editor F2 Song list editor F3 Instrument editor F4 Info
Song editor
Up,Down Move the cursor one row up/down PgUp,PgDown Move the cursor one page up/down, the page size is set in the config file
Left,Right Move the cursor between columns Tab,Shift+Tab Move the cursor between the same columns of the channels
Numbers Enter a number value (speed, instrument number, effect value) Note keys Enter a note in the song editor, or play a note in the instrument editor
Delete Delete a note, a number, or selection without shifting other notes Backspace Delete a note field, shifting everything below and moving the cursor up Insert Insert a blank note field, shifting everything below down
Ctrl+F Find section, shows list of all named and unnamed sections of the song Ctrl+G Edit current row number, to navigate through the song faster Pressing Enter returns the cursor back to the position where it was originally
Ctrl+1..8 Toggle channel mute Ctrl+0 Toggle solo mode for current channel
[ ] Change auto step, 0 to 16
Numpad / * Change octave, 1 to 8 Numpad 1..8 Set octave
F5 Play song from beginning F7 Play song from current row F8 Stop playing Enter Hold down to play from current row
Space Set section break on current row Home Go to previous section End Go to next section ` Enter section name, only used for easier navigation (see Ctrl+F)
Ctrl+[ ] Change measure, each song has its own measure
Ctrl+Home Set loop position (the row that will be played after loop) Ctrl+End Set song length (the last actual row)
Ctrl+Z Undo last change in the song text, one step
Shift+Cursor Set block selection for block functions
Ctrl+A Select all channels, all fields. First key press selects current section (if any), next key press selects the whole song length Ctrl+L Select current channel, all fields, section or whole song
Ctrl+X Cut selection Shift+X Cur selection and shift the rows below up Ctrl+C Copy selection Ctrl+V Paste selection Shift+V Paste selection and shift existing rows down Ctrl+B Paste selection over existing content
Ctrl+F1 Transpose selection semitone down Ctrl+F2 Transpose selection semitone up Ctrl+F3 Transpose selection octave down Ctrl+F4 Transpose selection octave up
Ctrl+E Expand selection Ctrl+S Shrink selection
Numpad + - Switch between sub songs
Clicking on the pattern header changes the channel mute setting. Left click toggles the mute for a channel, right click toggles the solo mode for a channel.
Click left mouse button and move the mouse while holding the button to make a block selection.
Double click on a channel selects a section in that channel; if the Shift key is down, it selects the whole song length.
Row fields
RRRR is the row number SS is speed, could be set per row, 1 to 99 (fastest to slowest, default is 20). CH1..CH8 are note fields, see below
Note fields
C is note (# sharp) ii is the instrument number, 1..99 VV is the volume, 0..99 (lowest to highest) E is the effect name vv is the effect value, only editable if the effect is specified
All effect values are decimal, in 0..99 range.
All effects applied to the channel continuously. To turn off an effect other than the pan, use it with 00 as value
Txx is (de)Tune, sets constant pitch offset that is applied to all following notes Uxx is Slide Up, 0 is none, 1 is slowest, 99 is fastest Dxx is Slide Down Pxx is Portamento, 0 is note, 1 is slowest, 99 is fastest; has priority over the Slide P99 is legato mode, pitch changes instantly, like on a new note, but without key on Sxx is Pan, 0 is the leftmost, 50 is the center, 99 is the rightmost positions Vxy is Vibrato, x is speed (1 slowest, 9 fastest), y is depth (1 min, 9 max) R.. is Repeat, it repeats previous section in current channel, from beginning of the section
Note keys
1 or A is the rest note
Current octave
S D G H J L : Z X C V B N M < > ?
Next octave
2 3 5 6 7 8 9 Q W E R T Y U I O P
Export and use
When all music and sound effects created, the project can be exported (File>Export) for further use in a SNES program. The editor exports a number of files:
spc700.bin - contains compiled SPC700 driver code, samples, sound effects data. This means you don't need to use a SPC700 assembler.
music_N.bin - contains music data. Each sub song that is not marked as a sound effect will be exported into separate file. This allows to save room for more sample data, while music data is only loaded when needed.
sounds.asm - contains incbin's in the WLA DX format, considering LoROM configuration.
sounds.h - contains automatically generated aliases for every sub song and sound effect, as well as sub song names.
The latter two files aren't necessary, they meant to be used in a specific SNES dev environment. The interfacing part of the environment is provided along with the editor in the /snes/ directory, it consist of two files, sneslib.asm and sneslib.h. There are 65816 assembly functions to load the SPC700 driver and communicate with it, as well as C interface to these functions.
You can either adapt provided code for your purposes, or create a new one, using the code as a guide. spc700.bin loading and starting address is $0200. When the driver is loaded, communication is done through APU ports using the communication routines (see snes/sneslib.asm:542 and beyond). Driver loading code is in snes/sneslib.h:774. 'Play a sound effect' function is in sneslib.asm:842, it also uses spc_command_asm routine (uniform for most commands), which is in sneslib.asm:658.
The spc700.asm file in the /snes/ directory is only provided for reference, in case you're interested in internals of the driver. It does not need to be compiled or otherwise used in a SNES program.
Take a note that, unlike the editor or exported SPC file, driver starts in mono mode, for compatibility reasons, as many old TV sets does not have stereo, and some part of the sound would be missing. To get stereo output, the stereo enable command must be sent first.
Music data format
+0 1 how many channels in the song +1 2 absolute address of the first channel +3 2 absolute address of the second channel (if exists) ...
Series of bytes interpreted as follows:
0..148 short delay 149..244 note in semitones (C-1..B-8) 245 keyoff 246,L,H long delay, followed with two bytes of the delay duration, up to 65535 247..253 song effects: 247,V volume, byte of the volume is 0..127 248,P pan, byte of the pan is 0..255 (128 is center) 249,D detune, byte of the detune 250,S slide up or down, byte of the slide is signed -99..99 251,P portamento, byte of the slide is 0..99 252,M vibrato, byte of the vibrato parameters (high nibble is depth 0..9, low nibble is speed 0..9) 253,L,H,C reference, next three bytes are reference absolute address and reference length (0..255 bytes) 254,I instrument change, followed with byte of the instrument number 0..99 255,L,H loop, followed with two bytes of absolute address of the loop point