Hello, I'm running into this same issue. PS 7.2 PartnerCenter 3.0.10 Az.Accounts 2.6.2 Is the only workaround to downgrade az.accounts? Update: I installed az.accounts 1.9.5 side-by-side with az.accounts 2.6.2 **and**...
> I'm running into this issue as well. I can install Az.Accounts 1.9.5 to get around the issue, but my script also requires Az.KeyVault to run, which automatically installs a...
@RamanathanChinnappan-MSFT , thank you. The link you provided gives instructions on how to create a Databricks-backed secret scope and those instructions work well. However, I'm trying to create an Azure...
@CHEEKATLAPRADEEP-MSFT - that solved the issue (I added the `AzureDatabricks` App as a `Key Vault Secrets Officer` . It would be awesome to get the instructions/documentation updated (this method seems...