Nate Miller (he/him)
Nate Miller (he/him)
Sorry that was pasting issue. I have reinstalled ggalt, ggplot2, both from CRAN and still get the same error. The code works until the `coord_proj` line and then fails with...
Sorry for being so late getting back to this and I see this is likely a bug. I have tried reinstalling ggplot2 and any number of other packages and this...
Just checking in to see if any progress has been made on this bug. I use your ggalt package and coord_proj a lot in my work, so I am eager...
No I have not seen those errors. I'm clearly lagging behind here though, mainly avoiding the time I expect to lose updating GDAL. ``` > library(sf) Linking to GEOS 3.7.2,...
Thanks for exploring that. Seems bizarre that a rectangular input object returns to the same projection as a trapezoid. I didn't realize that it wasn't possible to reverse projections in...
Interesting... so if I have a map (in this case I have one in produced in ggplot) with coordinates defined in one projection and the associated extents (`xmin`,`ymin`, `xmax`, `ymax`)...
I certainly understand that the shape in the projected space is not a box. That makes sense (the trapezoid in equal earth makes sense though if we had more vertices,...