Nate Weisz
Nate Weisz
As a Data Analyst I want to exclude any Data Entities tagged with a specific Category from a list of Related Data Entities so I can eliminate noise in my...
As a Data Analyst I want to exclude any BDef with a specific Tag from my BDef search so I can eliminate noise in my search that is making it...
As a Big Data Developer I want to see how global search results are classified so I can better understand the result set Acceptance Criteria * In Global Search endpoint,...
As a Big Data Developer I want to navigate back to the entity I had clicked when returning to the Related Data Entities tab of the Category Page Acceptance Criteria...
As a Product Owner I want to remove Oozie workflow management from Herd as it is not being utilized. EMR now has good support for Oozie and there is no...
As a Big Data Developer I want to provide filters in BData Search results that might match lots of results but still get results rapidly. Functional Notes: * BData Search...
As a Data Analyst I want to view Global Search results so I can see Categories and Data Entities that match my search string See attached mockups for Home Page,...
As a Data Analyst I want to instantly view a list of BDef and Category results that match the text I enter This story will search across both Category and...
As a Developer I want code in a given language to have consistent style including UI code so I can easily scan and navigate when reviewing and troubleshooting. Code style...
As a Data Analyst I want to view pages with proper formatting so I don't get a poor impression of quality and/or feel like a second-class citizen This story is...