Sara Lara

Results 5 issues of Sara Lara

First off, thanks to the maintainers of this example for everything you've done. You've saved me a lot of time in my AngularJS+`ng-redux` to Angular+`angular-redux/store`+TypeScript upgrade! I'm curious as to...

I did this because Albino won't work for me on Heroku (I get an error about the Python package not being present). However, and as per #50, the `pygmentize` gem...

I was having an issue where I couldn't use the `disqus_shortname` attribute I set in `config/initializers/blogit.rb` this seemed to be because of the setter in `lib/blogit/configuration.rb`, which seems to be...

Add an input type for the device orientation. In order to use the positional object (`pc.Point`), only `event.alpha` and `event.gamma` (z and y axes, respectively) are captured, but this accomplishes...


* Fix double leading forwardslash when output.publicPath is '/' * Add option to set publicPath in the loader query string, as `basePath` See line comments here: