Natalie Kwong
Natalie Kwong
I agree with being consistent throughout, if we give users the right guidance. The solution to introduce an information icon is a fair solution to me. My suggestion for the...
@dizel852 Looks great! Small nit: could we change the capitalization to say "Most frequently used destinations" fyi @letiescanciano as we could use LaunchDarkly to run personalization here (using Clearbit tech)
Hey @grubberr , Could you help me to understand the difference between `Start Date` and `Lookback window`? From reading the comments here, it sounds like we use the `Lookback window`...
@grubberr Does the Lookback window use the same logic to filter the results as the Start date in that it is used to determine how far back the data will...
@grubberr Could you confirm my understanding is correct above?
@grubberr I see some detail in the Stripe docs about the Start Date and Lookback window. Is the behavior similar for this connector?
Hey @DevPJ9 ! Thank you for offering. At this time, this is an issue that will be internally owned by @xiaohansong .
+1 on the expanding the ability to search in that component for at least the connector name. Happy to create another issue if it diverges too much from the original...
Hey @AlexDouglasUK , thanks for your comment! We're currently planning for the next quarter. This has been raised as a priority to our Engineering, but not yet committed as we've...
New target release date of July 2024.