Results 11 comments of なるみ

I don't have stringer sample or obfuscator itself also u can use java-deobfuscator

You can add **-noverify** to **JVM arguments** or at first run **SignatureRemoveTransformer** transformer

Can i have sample jar?

it will be closed when i fix binsecure transformers

> You could argue that this is a ddos attack and can't be fixed by bungeecord/waterfall. Yes thats true, bungeecoord/waterfall had many exploits but md5 claims that they don't even...

> @narumii > This offensive language will not get you anywhere. You did not provide any useful information. > > I suggest that the maintainers of waterfall delete your comment....

Can you try using other images directory? And i will take a look at it in free time