Nathan Argetsinger
Nathan Argetsinger
@pdcastro you are a godsend. Massive missing portion of balena-cli ecosystem. I was able to get rsync working in all places (os x/ubuntu) after installing rsync on the remote container...
I've been trying various formulas here to get my instance up and running - both the simple one by OP @jasonkuhrt and the optimized multistage by noble sir @kazazes Having...
I'm also very keen to see this functionality. Continuously compositing waterfall info into timelapse image stream requires an alpha channel
it seems like progress was made on this a while ago? comment 15.. ``` The patch above adds --default-background-color=... :) The color value should be provided as 32-bit RGBA...
I mentioned in the main Docker thread - I'm ditching Balena in favor of k3s which will be doable without mutilation of directory structure.
@bartversluijs very excited to deploy to my cluster, thanks for spearheading
Ok I changed the package manager to "yarn" which fixed it. I'll create a pull request.
UPDATE: thankyou @Geocene This works in 4.19 -->
Thank you @bigjosh so much for preparing that flasher image. That is *the way* to deploy. After much headache between wheezy eMMC/SD card management -or- attempting to compile/run on 4.19...
fwiw here is an image of the pins that are working. The *blue* pins are working. Ignore the red (my PCB haha)