Naresh Kumar Thota
Naresh Kumar Thota
Hello @obloquy, Earlier trackntrace example was available in branch now its moved to master. Pls refer " "
@jpark800 & @mellistibco Now documentation is added under flogo examples.
From the issue description, I could imagine user experience would be like: - User deploys apiscout into kuberneties cluster. - User deploys microservice into the same kuberneties cluster. - API...
This feature is implemented and added in branch "feature-publish-to-mashery-saas". Please try it out and let us know.
I believe you followed below like steps: 1) Get the latest API-Scout app and build docker image. 2) Update image name & EXTERNAL-IP(minikube or cluster ip) values in apiscout.yml file....
I need some details like: 1. YML file of deployed API-Scout application. 2. API-Scout api accessing url to check generated swaggers. 3. URL of any one of your microservices.
@mshahat Annotation support for ingress end url is added. Code changes pushed to branch 'feature-issue-15', give a try now. check annotation name in readme page under #requirements-for-kubernetes
API-Scout listens on annotated swagger url per service. I believe your RESTfull service provides handler for swagger spec & same handler is mentioned in yml as a annotation. It would...
Changes included: 1) Creation of new packages zapcores and zapconfig. zapcores: contains all registerd cores. zapconfig: contains default configuration and log level. 2) Refactoring existing zap.go such that before root...