Vedran Alajbegovic
Vedran Alajbegovic
What to select when script starts asking about web server/phpmyadmin db etc.?
I tried several times but those docs are pretty confusing to me. In stead of real complete examples, there is some unclear hosted/local examples without enough explanation what does what....
I don't know if you have seen this one. It's much better pinout. Suitable for RC522 and other modules. > ESP-RFID Relay Blue Board > > Because it was often...
IMHO This would be very elegant. I was thinking to make pull request to @omersiar Please check the video: [ESP-RFID Tiny Board to control Lock via mqtt or with tasmota...
Would be interesting if you added more methods for list. For example if i need a method in select field, so that i can get it just by Countries::getForSelect() or...
So sad.. great package and so many examples but so horribly written .. hardly finding what i need..
I have some schema like this: ``` schema: { title: "TOPICS AND RULES", disable_edit_json: true, disable_properties: true, disable_array_reorder: true, disable_collapse: true, type: "array", name: "some name", format: "tabs", items: {...
As i said in the title, disable_collapse, disable_edit_json set to true just display: none the button not the div around so you get some unpopulated empty space between title and...
It's horrible headache to adjust/customize anything if you just want to use pure html version. I really can't understand why is there so much inline CSS? for example, making array...
I'm just wondering how complicated would it be to add VOR TX tester? It's just a "(VHF) band from 108.00 to 117.95 MHz" with "30 Hz reference signal on a...