This is a basic feature for all e-Commerce. one to many mapping need to be done from 1 product to multiple categories in DB
Yes, i tried. Actually i copied hasura's caddy part for CaddyFile and docker and replaced necessary params on a different server. https works in hasura but i tried both before...
Any luck with this?
What is MyRelation in here? Can you equivalent of below? ``` query MyQuery { onboardings(order_by: {sort_order: asc}, where: {language: {code: {_eq: "en"}}}) { description image } } ```
Ok. Will it work for useQuery? ``` const { data, loading, error } = useQuery({ type: 'getList', resource: 'onboardings', payload: { filter: {format: "hasura-raw-query" , id: { '_eq' : 26}}}...
Also different primary key than id, For eg: city_id, address_id
The solution to the problem is network. I read line by line with @allochi's solution and found this one thing extra Do take care that caddy and fusionauth are on...