Mayank Narang
Mayank Narang
### Board ESP32 ### Device Description Development Board ### Hardware Configuration None ### Version latest development Release Candidate (RC-X) ### IDE Name Arduino IDE ### Operating System Windows ### Flash...
I want to connect to secure MQTT broker and that requires me to set the certificates, Earlier I was using Wi-Fi to connect my esp32 to broker with WiFiClientSecure library...
I have the root certificate to verify the server identity in the below format, how to set this out. const char root_ca[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" "MIIDpDCCAowCCQC7mCk5Iu3YmDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBkzELMAkGA1UEBhMC\n" ... "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; I...
How to set up SIM7600 modem via ESP32S3 USB Port. IDF Version: 5.0.0 ESP IoT Solution Version: Master Branch Just selected `user defined` modem board in the component config ->...
### Answers checklist. - [X] I have read the documentation [ESP-IDF Programming Guide]( and the issue is not addressed there. - [X] I have updated my IDF branch (master or...
@kiltum Can we implement MODBUS master using this library?