fast-ctc-decode copied to clipboard
I notice there is a fuction named crf_beam_search, but I found no helping infomation or discribtion of this function, will there be any use demo of it? Is it for bonito crf model decode? I found it different of the input variables between the beamsearch in the kbeam package and here the crf_beam_search
crf_beam_search: pub fn crf_beam_search<D: Data<Elem = f32>>( network_output: &ArrayBase<D, Ix3>, init_state: &ArrayBase<D, Ix1>, alphabet: &[String], beam_size: usize, beam_cut_threshold: f32, )
kbeam beamsearch: path, _ = beamsearch( scores['scores'], scale, seqdist.n_base, beamsize, guide=scores['betas'], beam_cut=beamcut )