Zhennan LI
Zhennan LI
Hi, I wonder, is there a specific reason to not implement `io.Reader` on `*bytebufferpool.ByteBuffer`? Or is a PR welcome?
改动应该不大,欢迎有兴趣的同学提Pull Request: 新的标准:[重庆大学博士、硕士学位论文撰写格式标准及要求(2019年修订).zip](https://github.com/nanmu42/CQUThesis/files/3982039/2019.zip)
> 这里改了一个本科毕业设计的模板,希望能帮到一小部分人。 有条件和精力的话欢迎提PR合并回来。
> 请问一下,目前格式是2019年的修订版吗 可能不是,我也不清楚2019和2016比变了多少。
I am not currently use this package, so it would be nice if someone interested is willing to implement this feature.
Yes, I had this thought, that would be neat. Need to figure out how to implement this. Thanks for your advice.
The [FS](https://tip.golang.org/pkg/io/fs/) and [embed](https://tip.golang.org/pkg/embed/) package is about to land in Go 1.16. This may be a good news for this long-desired feature.
RobomasterPy是根据[EP的TCP纯文本API](https://robomaster-dev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/text_sdk/intro.html)开发的。 我看了下文档,似乎没有太大的变动? 也许你需要看看链接时的错误日志以详细定位问题。
Try running the install command with `--nofetch` switch.
Brilliant! Looking forward to it. :+1: